When I got here, it was so much more than I expected.  My class was filled with loving, warm, and sweet people, suffering from all types of diseases.  Chronic disease has never pained me, but when it’s around you, you become so much more aware.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to take control of my health and my life before disease enters the picture.  Here at the Living Foods Institute, I have also been exposed to so many therapists for both physical and emotional support.  I didn’t realize how stressed and heavy my heart was until I was completely at peace! I have been able to relax, free of mind fog, and I had not been able to do that before.  When I came here, I was so unclear of the career path that I was going to take.  Now, with more clarity, I know that working in the wellness field is for me. I got more than I expected when signing up, and I want to share it with others so that they can also be empowered to heal themselves and bring light to their lives.


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